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ADCHEM FR-130 and The Masterbatches

Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), an additive brominated flame retardant, is one of the persistent organic pollutants and is widely used in building insulation materials all over the world. HBCD will be banned or eliminated globally under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. The reporter learned from the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment on November 1, 2021 that 8 production enterprises across the country with a capacity of 28,000 tons of HBCD are all in our province. By the end of October, the HBCD production lines of the 8 production enterprises have been dismantled, and the HBCD inventory has been cleared. In the middle of 2022, our Shandong province will realize all raw materials, products and wastes containing HBCD to zero totally.

In December 2021, China brought an end to the production, use, import and export of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), an organic compound containing bromine used as a flame retardant in external thermal insulation foam.

Since the 1980s, HBCD has commonly been used to improve the fire protection of buildings. But, in 2013, it was listed in the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants because it of the high risk it poses to human health. Exposure to HBCD has potential adverse effects on the functioning of the hormone, nervous and immune systems.

HBCD has been found in sewage sludge, in fish, in air, water and soil. Famously, in 2004, the World Wildlife Fund took blood samples from eleven European environment ministers and three health ministers, and detected HBCD in the blood of every single one of them.


ADCHEM FR-130 is one of the substitute flame retardant to replace HBCD. The Cas number is 97416-84-7. It is mainly used for EPS and XPS. Besides the powder, we can supply the masterbatches for extruded polystyrene. The manufacturers of XPS can use it simply to replace HBCD. Because the thermal stabilizers have already been added in our FR masterbatches. 50%-40% FR content masterbatches with better dispersion are the options.

Addition level:

Typically dosage: 1.5% – 5% to reach DIN 4102 B1 standard for XPS. It also depend on the process condition and final application.


We suggest the process temperature below 230 °C. The extruder should be washed after finished the flame retardant grade XPS foam.

Post time: Oct-19-2022